Hi, my name is Kevin Hoehne. I’m an Architectural Designer working out of Austin, Texas. I love to be active, whether it’s snowboarding in the winter or playing tennis in the summer. When I want to relax, I enjoy spending time with the friends and family and playing with dogs.

I graduated from Oklahoma State University where I earned my Bachelors of Architecture. Currently, I’m on the path to licensure and I’m excited to explore new opportunities in my professional career.


What drew me to architecture was my love for creating things. When I was younger, I was always trying to build something, whether it was Legos or a random assortment of items I would find around the house. Architecture was a profession I would love learning about. As I would learn more about other projects around the world, I became motivated about the responsibility that architects hold. The impact buildings have on our everyday life is enormous. Buildings are places where we live, work, socialize and worship. If I can make the places we interact with everyday better in some way, then I’m proud to contribute to that.

One thing I find beneficial, if not essential, is the ability to always have an open mind. Being aware of the people I am designing for is crucial. Taking ideas and learning from other cultures is important as well. In college, I had the opportunity to study abroad in London and Paris. Seeing the world from a different perspective has taught me that there is always something to be learned from others.


My love for architecture traces back to my fondness of drawing as a child. As my love for drawing has evolved over the years, I’ve learned that drawing is intertwined with the human mind. Its a process that expresses our own experiences onto a piece of paper. The process of expressing my ideas through drawing and seeing that result come to life is something that I feel lucky to do everyday.

I’m always finding myself in the mindset of a student, learning new methods of achieving a result, even in my professional career. That being said, I always say that the software we use or the pencils we use to draw are just a tool. The more tools I can master, the better I can develop and communicate my ideas. As a profession that is constantly evolving, it’s necessary to incorporate new methods and ideas into my workflow.