San Jose project
Senior Living
Project Location:
San Jose, CA
Project Phases:
My Contribution:
Exterior Design
SD Renderings
Redevelopment Plan
We partnered with another architect as part of a master redevelopment which included multifamily residences and a Whole Foods to pair with the retail stores in the existing El Paso shopping center.
Senior Living Parcel
Our site, situated on the corner of Saratoga avenue and Lawrence expressway, aimed to integrate assisted living and memory care residences into a more urban setting.
Being a part of a redevelopment plan, we knew modifying the existing bike lane from on the road to be included inside our property line would further encourage pedestrian travel from the neighboring parcels as well as the single family residences in close proximity.
View from Bike Path along Saratoga Ave.
Exterior Design
The exterior façade, while reserved in the use of stucco on the upper floors, sought to emphasize key points with the use of brick and a dark blue metal panel. The use of these more premium materials at places most visible to pedestrian traffic gave the design a balanced use of materials while remaining cost conscious.
Another aspect to mention is the floor to ceiling windows. While being highly desired but repetitive in nature, the staggered cantilevered balconies aimed to break this repeating pattern and give depth and interest in an otherwise unbroken 7 story volume.
Concept Sketch of SE Elevation
View from Saratoga Ave.
Building Sections
Dusk Shot from Lawrence Expy.
Night Shot from Lawrence Expy.
Aerial Shot